What is Password Spraying Attack?

Explore how password spraying attack work, detailing how attackers utilize common passwords to target multiple accounts.

Explore how password spraying attack work, detailing how attackers utilize common passwords to target multiple accounts.

Wednesday 12 June, 2024

Password spraying attack - Cyberwarehub
Password spraying attack - Cyberwarehub
Password spraying attack - Cyberwarehub

Password spraying is a cyberattack where an attacker tries to access many accounts by using a few commonly used passwords systematically across multiple usernames. Unlike brute force attacks, which target one account with numerous password attempts, password spraying targets several accounts with just a few attempts each, to avoid triggering account lockout mechanisms.

How Password Spraying Works?

  1. Target Selection:

    The attacker identifies numerous user accounts within an organization using methods such as social engineering, public data breaches, or company directories.

  2. Password List Preparation:

    Attackers use widely known passwords that many users might employ, particularly if the target organization lacks strong password policies.

  3. Low and Slow Approach:

    The attacker tries a small number of commonly used passwords (such as "Password123", "123456", or "Welcome1") against many accounts, instead of many passwords against a single account.

  4. Avoiding Detection:

    By limiting the number of attempts on each account, password spraying circumvents account lockout mechanisms and other security measures designed to detect brute force attacks.

  5. Exploitation:

    When a valid password is found for an account, the attacker gains access and can use this account to further infiltrate the network, escalate privileges, and exfiltrate data.

Attack Scenario:

An attacker collects a list of 500 usernames from publicly available sources related to an organization. The attacker selects three common passwords—"Password123," "Password," and "123456" and attempts to log in to all 500 accounts using "Password123," progressing slowly to avoid detection.

After completing the first round, the attacker repeats the process with "Password" and then with "123456." Any account that successfully logs in with these passwords is compromised, allowing the attacker to infiltrate the network, escalate privileges, and exfiltrate data.

How to mitigate password spraying attacks?

1. Enforce Strong Password Policies.
2. Implementing Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).
3. Configure account Lockout Policies.
4. Monitoring and alerting any suspicious login attempts.
5. Encouraging regular password changes.
6. Regularly update and patch the systems

In conclusion, understanding the mechanisms behind password spraying attacks is crucial for enhancing cybersecurity defenses. By recognizing the reliance on common passwords and the systematic approach to targeting multiple accounts, organizations can implement proactive measures to mitigate the risk of unauthorized access. Employing strong password policies, implementing multi-factor authentication, and maintaining vigilant monitoring are essential steps towards safeguarding sensitive data and fortifying against malicious intrusions.

Happy Learning !!