Nmap - Cyberware Hub
Nmap - Cyberware Hub
Nmap - Cyberware Hub


Nmap is a powerful open-source tool for network discovery, mapping hosts and services, essential for management and security.

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Nmap (Network Mapper) is a powerful open-source tool used for network discovery and security auditing. It allows users to scan networks to identify live hosts, open ports, and available services, providing valuable insights into network infrastructure. Nmap also facilitates security auditing by detecting vulnerabilities and misconfigurations, helping assess the security posture of devices. 

Additionally, it can determine the operating system and version running on remote hosts, enabling comprehensive network analysis. With its ability to create a detailed inventory of networked devices, Nmap aids in network management and troubleshooting.

Supporting Platforms:  Windows, Linux and MAC

Nmap Single IP Scanning:

Nmap Open Ports Scanning:

Useful Nmap Command:

    Nmap Description.                 Nmap Commands

Scan a single target		  nmap [Target IP Address].
Scan a single Domain		  nmap google.com
Scan a range			      nmap [IP -254]
TCP SYN port scan (Default)	  nmap [IP] -sS
TCP connect port scan 		  nmap [IP] -sT
UDP port scan			      nmap [IP] -sU
ARP ping 			          nmap -PR [Target IP Address]
No Scan. List targets only	  nmap [IP] -sL
Port scan for Specific Port	  nmap [IP] -p 22
Port range			          nmap [IP] -p 22-100
Port scan thr. service name	  nmap [IP] -p https, ssh
nmap help			          nmap -h

Determine the version of the service running on port 	nmap [IP] -sV
Remote OS detection using TCP/IP stack fingerprinting	nmap [IP] -O
Increase the verbosity level 				            nmap [IP] -v
Scan & grep to show which IPs are running web servers	nmap [IP] | grep Open

Happy Learning !!