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PEStudio, a widely used tool for malware analysis, specializes in conducting static analyses of malware campaigns.

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PEStudio: Analyzing Windows Executables for Malicious Activity

PEStudio is a tool used for static analysis of malware and is among my preferred tools for malware examination. PE refers to Portable Executable, the file format for executables, DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries), and other executable files in Windows. While not dedicated solely to malware, it's commonly used for analyzing Windows executable files (PE files).

PEStudio - Initial Assessment Window:

How does it work?

PEStudio works by analyzing Portable Executable (PE) files used in Windows, such as executables and DLLs, to spot potential signs of malicious behavior. It conducts static analysis by inspecting file attributes like headers, sections, imports, and exports. The tool also checks for digital signatures and compares files against known malware indicators. Additionally, PeStudio assesses file behavior, including network and registry interactions. Overall, it aids security analysts in identifying and investigating suspicious files by revealing their structure, behavior, and possible risks.

PEStudio offers a range of features for analyzing Portable Executable (PE) files:

Analyzing Samples in PEStudio: Step-by-Step Guide

I personally appreciate how user-friendly and intuitively designed PeStudio is. By simply double-clicking the desktop icon, the tool opens up, allowing you to effortlessly drag and drop any kind of executable sample for investigation.

Main Tab:

After launching PEStudio, the main tab appears, where we find the essential file properties such as hashes, file size, entropy, File Imphash, timestamps, and associated file paths.

Virustotal Tab:

The Virustotal Tab in PEStudio enables users to access the VirusTotal database for information regarding the analyzed sample. It offers insights into the sample's detection status by multiple antivirus engines, alongside additional metadata and analysis results from the VirusTotal platform.

Since this is a new sample, only one vendor has currently detected it as malware. Over time, additional vendors are likely to detect it as well.

Section Tab:

The Section tab in PEStudio reveals details about various sections within the analyzed binary file, such as code, data, resources, or imports. It offers information like the section's name, size, characteristics, entropy, and virtual address range, aiding in understanding the binary's structure. This tab assists in identifying any suspicious sections that may require deeper scrutiny during malware analysis.

Import Tab:

The imports tab displays the functions/API imported by the malware/suspicious sample, also known as the IAT. This imports tab provides insight into the potential behavior of the malware upon compromising a host. PeStudio categorizes the imported APIs based on their associated activity, providing a clear overview of the malware's functionality.

String Tab:

The strings tab presents human-readable strings identified within the binary. PeStudio provides details such as the type and location of the string within the binary. Additionally, the blacklist, hint, and group columns offer valuable insights into the identified strings, enhancing the analysis process.


PEStudio is a robust utility renowned for its comprehensive examination of Windows executable files. Its powerful capabilities enable security researchers to delve deep into file structures, identify critical characteristics, and conduct thorough bytecode analysis.

Happy Learning !!!