Wazuh - Cyberwarehub
Wazuh - Cyberwarehub
Wazuh - Cyberwarehub


Wazuh is an open-source SIEM solution designed to monitor and analyze security events in real-time.

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Wazuh is an open-source SIEM solution designed to monitor and analyze security events in real-time. It offers capabilities for threat detection, incident response, log management, and compliance auditing. By integrating with various data sources, including logs and endpoint data, Wazuh provides comprehensive visibility into an organization's security posture. Its features include log analysis, intrusion detection, file integrity monitoring, vulnerability detection, and threat hunting, making it a versatile tool for strengthening cybersecurity defenses.

Features of Wazuh:

The Wazuh platform offers XDR and SIEM features to protect your cloud, container, and server workloads.

Components of Wazuh:

Wazuh is a comprehensive security platform that includes various components designed to monitor and respond to security threats. The main components of Wazuh are:

  1. Wazuh Indexer

The Wazuh indexer is a highly scalable, full-text search and analytics engine that indexes and stores alerts generated by the Wazuh server.

  1. Wazuh Server 

The Wazuh server analyzes data from agents using threat intelligence. A single server can handle data from thousands of agents and can scale by being set up as a cluster. Additionally, it manages the agents, allowing for remote configuration when necessary.

  1. Wazuh Dashboard

The Wazuh dashboard is a web user interface designed for data visualization, analysis, and management. It features dashboards for regulatory compliance, vulnerability assessment, file integrity monitoring, configuration assessment, and cloud infrastructure events, among others.

Installation of Wazuh Manager:

The installation of Wazuh Manager is simplified by using Curl to download all necessary Wazuh packages. After the installation, you can access your dashboard, where you will find the username and password at the bottom of the page.

curl -sO https://packages.wazuh.com/4.8/wazuh-install.sh && sudo bash ./wazuh-install.sh -a -v

In case you can't find your username and password, use this command to list all of the components credentials.

sudo tar -O -xvf wazuh-install-files.tar wazuh-install-files/wazuh-passwords.txt

Wazuh Dashboard:

Sample Modules:

Adding Wazuh Agents:

Once Wazuh Manager is installed, you can proceed to add agents to monitor events on your systems. Depending on your platforms, add the agents one by one.

Once the initial steps are completed, go to the machine for the selected platform and run the command to download and install the Wazuh agent.

Sample Security Events:


Wazuh is a robust and versatile security platform that enhances an organization's ability to monitor, detect, and respond to threats. Its comprehensive features include log analysis, intrusion detection, and vulnerability management, offering a holistic approach to cybersecurity. Integration with Elasticsearch and Kibana enables robust data visualization and reporting. Supporting diverse platforms, Wazuh ensures scalability and flexibility. Overall, Wazuh is essential for maintaining a secure and compliant IT infrastructure.

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